SHIMANO Extra Battery 630WH

Add more range to your BBCARGO with an extra Shimano 630Wh battery.

The battery is waterproof, impact and vibration resistant. This ultra-durable battery has a battery life of over 1000 cycles.

36V, 17,5Ah.

6.000,00 kr.

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178 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 6.000 kr. over 48 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 178 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 2.520 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 8.520 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 20,03%. Der er fortrydelsesret.
SKU: 50001100 Category:


The low-profile Shimano 630Wh battery offers a consistent recharge and is compatible with the Shimano EP8 CARGO motor on the BBCARGO.

It has ideal protection against weather, surface damage and cold, while mounted on the BBCARGO frame.

Battery life is 1000 cycles. After 1000 cycles full charging is still more than 60%.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg